Friday, August 19, 2011

For All You Singles Out There...

The satisfaction that comes from knowing another individual so intimately that it would be right to call the two, one, is almost incomparable.  Being vitally committed to someone under the warm blanket of Biblical authority is quite possibly the height of human experience.  And rightly so.  It is quite possibly the most satisfying shadow that gives us the greatest glimpse of our union with Jesus Christ.

But what about those who are single?  What about the people who continually struggle with the fact that their biological clock is ticking - alone.  What can we say to them?  How does singleness fit into the Christian life where marriage is so important and satisfying?  Here are a few thoughts.

First, the Bible tells us that God's grace is sufficient for you (2 Cor 12).  Just as He is the supplier of all good things for those who are married, He is for those who are single.  If you are single, you can trust Him.  He is with you.  He knows your situation and is in control.

Second, know that your loneliness is a spiritual craving and not merely a physical one.  Simply put, don't waste your loneliness, but rather use those times to seek after the One who is ultimately satisfying.  This is more easily said than done, I understand.  However, take the first diligent step in faith.  He will reward you (Heb 11:6).  His rewards are greater than marriage.

Third, understand that marriage is a shadow and not the Substance (Col 2:17).  One day marriage will be no more.  Our hope in glory will be realized (Col 1:27).  I, along with others, get a little disappointed when thinking that marriage (and sex!) will not exist in heaven.  But our view of heaven is too small.  Heaven's pleasures and joys will so far surpass those of marriage, that they will not even be desired.

Fourth, take advantage of your freedom.  I love being married and all; but, I must say that asking permission for everything is something that I could do without (not because my wife is authoritative, but simply because if I want to leave the house, I am asking her to babysit three kids alone!).  So, don't waste your singleness.  Read like crazy!  Serve married couples (with babysitting :) like crazy!  Love like crazy!

Finally, obedience in faith, whether single or married, is the most joyful way.  Don't settle.  Don't fall into sexual sin.  It's not worth it.  Labor to be around other godly people - married and single.  Try and limit your time alone.  Do whatever it takes to fight sin in your life.  Move to a place where people bombard you and annoy the heck out of you.  You will only have to do it for a short time.  Heaven is soon approaching.  And, you never know, marriage may be just around the corner.

This post is for all of the singles I know that continue to bless my socks off by their love, service, and example.  Your struggle to remain sold out for Christ, in a culture where singleness is so difficult, inspires me.  Thank you.

This video is really good too!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this. So encouraging!
