Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sex Symbol Speaks Concerning Sex - Interesting.

It's sex o'clock in America -

This is definitely one interesting article. Sanger doesn't seem to be worried about stepping on toes; she is, after all, an older adult who is likely to be a role model to many. She can step on toes, some will fight back, but I believe most will at least consider what she has to say.

I am intrigued that she attributes much of the problem to The Pill. I would too. Children, by nature, force a life-long responsibility upon those who choose to have them. This is, I believe a great blessing. But, used to - before oral contraception - they were a significant reason NOT to have pre-marital sex.

Sanger falls short though. We know this. Though she promotes a good thing, if we take only her advice, it will only get worse. Just think of it - no more Pill; no more pre-marital sex; no more 13 year olds having oral sex and/or intercourse; no more pornography; no more victoria secret commercials that abuse the masses that DON'T care to see them (and YES I did use the term "abuse" on purpose and with purpose); no more divorce, or broken marriages; and no more children out of wedlock. Wouldn't that be great? No.

Christ is nowhere to be found in the above (or in the article). Make the streets gold for all I care, we are saved by Christ alone. A spotless society (like the one above) without Christ is a society of Pharisees; and Satan warms his hands at this fire.

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