Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Murdering Children With Down Syndrome, The Danish Attempt For A Perfect Society.

In an effort to create a perfect society, Denmark has begun its campaign to be "down-syndrome-free."  Some people might be thinking that they are going to accomplish this by delegating a large portion of their national budget to preventative research.  The reality is that they are pouring resources into prenatal screening.  If the unborn child has down syndrome, it must die.

The Danes, according to this article, want to promote aborting fetuses with Down syndrome, so their society will be free of such people around 2030. One bioethicist describes it as a “fantastic achievement.”

Like it or not, these are the logical implications of an atheistic worldview; one that believes that the super-intellectual man has the right and authority to decide and dictate what life should and shouldn't look like.  He is ultimately in charge of creating and ending life, as well as determining what goal each life should play in a given society.  Anyone or anything that gets in the way of achieving this goal must simply go; and by any means necessary.

While my mind races through a thousand objections to this, I will only list a few.

First, when "God dies" in a society, man becomes a god.  But fallen gods always fall.  And when they fall, they take many with them.  The results are devastating.  This is a case in point.

Second, I'd like to point out the irony.  Whether the bioethicists call this murder or not does not change the fact that it IS murder.  Truth is objective and not subject to the whims of rebels.  Replacing people who have natural disabilities with those with moral disabilities (like murder) does not make a more perfect society - quite the contrary!

Third, this is all built upon a presupposition that abortion is "one-issue" or an isolated position.  When a people and its government condone the murder of innocent life, we can't act as if this does not affect other moral areas.  Murder is the hight of human rebellion. It is a direct and active assault against God.  We may not murder His image and act as if we do not want Him dead as well.  This affects all areas of life and morality.  If allowed to continue, I fear we have not seen the worst.

Fourth, how arrogant is a people who believe that they are without disabilities themselves, and that those with disabilities have nothing positive to offer humanity!  The person who has perhaps brought the most change to my life is a blind man.  Plus, every parent I know who has a child with down syndrome has said their child has proven to be a huge blessing to them and those around them.

Fifth, I wonder what percentage of the criminal population has down syndrome.  I have never seen a serial killer or an inmate with the disability.  If this is really about making a perfect society, then we need to kill a lot more people.  How about all people.  Being perfect is being sinless.  We are all sinners.  It's as simple as that.  We should all die.  This leads me to the next point.

Sixth, the philosophical leap from this method of creating a perfect society to Nazi Germany's method is not a long one.  As soon as these atheistic bioethicists become consistent in their thinking, and figure out that the ontological difference between life inside of the womb is no different from life outside of the womb, those who are born with any disability whatsoever are "fair game."  Might soon makes right.  And the strong soon destroy the weak.

Last, judgment will come upon all who take innocent life - especially, innocent life with disabilities.  May the Lord grant mercy to the Danes.  May He grant mercy to us all.  And may repentance come quickly.  For when the Lord Jesus Christ comes back, He will not come on a Cross, but with a sword.  And His robe will quickly become drenched in the blood of His enemies.

Lord help us.  Come Lord Jesus.

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