Oh, wait. I forgot. You are the perfect, patient, parent aren't you, who thinks its fun to snap 873 buttons at the end of the day while clothing a child who moves around more than a recently exposed earthworm (I have no idea where that came from!).
Oh yeah, sure, I bet your child is the obedient phenomenon too, doing exactly what say as you whisper, "Be still little sweet pumpkin so I can snap your pajamas..."
Yep, I bet you are that parent with a degree in pajamanetics, who can immediately figure out which side is the front and which is the back. And I am sure that you never have to undo all the snaps at the end because you missed a snap in the process!
And, finally, aren't you just the wonderful parent that loves changing diapers so much that in order to get to the diaper you have to unsnap the whole blaming pajama to get to it and then repeat the whole process!
Oh, wait, I forgot again that your child never wets or dirties her diaper right after you put her jamies on.
Am I bitter? Yes. Why? Because I took economics in college (I think). Therefore, I understand this little thing called supply and demand. These pajamas are supplied in stores because there is a demand for them. Yes, you demand them, Mr. and Mrs. Perfect-Parent-Pajama-Putter-Onner. You couldn't look one rack over at the store and purchase the zipper ones huh? Show off.
Thanks a lot. Now, when I'm asked to put my little girls pajamas on, I go into a panic attack.
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