Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Glorious Law of Liberty In The Shadow of Dating

Freedom is what everyone desires.  But we must understand the term.  Freedom is not found in the ability to do whatever we want.  Rather, freedom is having the knowledge and ability to do what God wants.  The Law is glorious in that it tells us how to love and glorify Him.  He is clear about what He likes and dislikes.

In any earthly relationship we desire to have, we long to know and do what the other person desires.  Just think of the beginning of any earthly relationship.  Should I bring her flowers?  Would she mind me calling right now?  What should I wear?  I wonder what she likes and doesn't like...Man! If I get this wrong, she will certainly reject me.  But O Man! If I get it right, just imagine the joy!

Until we know what the other person desires, we freak out, scrambling and stressing whether or not they will accept or reject us.  But after they reveal their desires to us - what is acceptable and unacceptable in their eyes - we rejoice and quickly begin a life of obedience in accordance with that revelation.  We are careful not to stray.  And before any action, we meticulously reference "the letter" to make sure we understand the object of our affection correctly.

These dating relationships are simply shadows that point us to the substance of our relationship with our Lord.

Again, true freedom comes when we have the knowledge and ability to do what our Creator desires.  When we lack either one of these, life is simply miserable - it is slavery.  But in Christ Jesus, we receive the grace that makes us able (Ezek 36; Jn 6) and the truth that directs us in the way that we should go - this is the wonderful Law of Liberty (Js 1:25).  This only is a life of freedom.

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