Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Water Fountain: A Word Concerning Segregation

How does a people group get over this? Do laws wipe away the pain, degradation and imposed inferiority away? Does time heal the wounds? Are parents and grandparents who had to drink from different fountains, who had to use different bathrooms, who were pointed to the back of the bus, and who were, in every sphere of social culture, reminded of their inferiority, able to suppress the natural reflexes of oppression so that their children don't see - so that their children aren't affected?

There are people we see every day who were taught from an early age that they are less than human. The above is just one example of a globe filled, from all ages, with image bearers who live and have lived to suppress that image in others. This type of degradation is not typical for must of us. Therefore, we are very sensitive to any hint of it in our own lives. But imagine if it was the norm - the acceptable way of life.

This post is an encouragement and admonition for us to recognize that people are more than mere actions. Our good works and our bad ones are so much more than superficial movements of the body. If we look at others with this mindset we reduce them to matter in time and space. And when we allow what people do to eclipse who people are we neglect their significance, dignity and intrinsic worth as brothers and sisters created in the image of God.

When I drive through the neighborhood I love so much and see a young man who is unemployed, with a criminal record, and who apparently has no belt, I must resist with all of my might the desire to make him less-than-me. I must resist my deep desire to see only his apparent irresponsibility. I must fight to see his history, family, culture and his heart. He was created like me. He was born into this world a sinner like me. He may do really stupid me. And he really needs a Savior, like me.

I must damn segregation to hell where it belongs. And, I must die to myself and invite him to the Water Fountain who has so graciously quenched my thirst (John 4).

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