Thursday, July 26, 2012

One of the Best Articles on Pornography I Have Read

This article by Lauren Dubinsky of the Huffington Post is one of the best articles I have read on pornography. When you take the time to consider the weight of what she is actually doing -- openly and honestly speaking about her addiction to pornography and its effects in her life -- you cannot help but appreciate her sacrifice, courage and transparency.

The parts of the article that I found most profound were:

"Pornography was easy, and I never exactly knew why it was bad, particularly since I wasn't actually having sex. To me, it was just something dirty that you probably shouldn't have anything to do with. But "probably shouldn't" never stands up against loneliness and boredom."

"Even while I wasn't "addicted" to watching pornography, I always wanted more. It existed as a guaranteed time-filler and pleasure-bringer, and when you get an hour to yourself, that's an easy default. An easy default activity that establishes a heavy precedence in what you do with your next bad night."

"I wish someone would have told me that the kind of pornography you're most turned on by is usually linked to a corresponding hurtful event in your life, further injuring your brokenness."

"I wish someone had talked about how women watch it too, so I wouldn't have had to spend years living under the shame that comes with being "the only one" and thinking there was something wrong with me."

The heart behind this article is far more important than its actual words. We all have heard or read similar things before. The rarity is found in the writer. And as more and more people begin addressing the issue with honesty and transparency in a gospel-centered way, I believe we will see more and more victories of faith, hope and love.

You can read the entire article here.

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