Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Gospel is Free...So is This Book!

Over the past year, I have been completely changed by the gospel of God's grace.  Sure, I learned a lot in seminary.  I also made some wonderful friendships there; ones that will undoubtedly last forever.  I am thankful for the grace that was given me to preach through the book of Colossians during my first year and a half at GRACE Community Church.  And I am overwhelmed by the mercy of God I see each day when I wake up next to my beautiful wife and three children (I don't actually wake up next to the children though.  Jude usually starts yelling at 6:30am, "Daddy!  Where are you!"  Emma and Camille typically follow close behind him).  By 7am we are all in one bed having a blast!

I am learning that it is not so much what I do, or what others do; but why we do what we do.  What we do surely matters, but to have our lives directed in a godly direction, we must ask "Why?".  The gospel grows well in this soil, and produces much fruit there. 

Tim Keller calls this the sin beneath the sin.  If my little girl lies to me, I must address more than the act of lying.  I have to ask why she lied.  What was the sin beneath her sin?  Was it self-preservation?  Was it that she didn't trust the Truth?  What was it that she wanted so badly that she was willing to break God's commandments to get it?  Answer this question and you will find an idol (or a few) hiding in the shadows.  Kill the idol and watch the lying die with it.  Addressing the lie only may get rid of the sinful act, but it won't ultimately bring the sinful heart to life.

I have also learned that sin is dark, ugly and murderous.  Not only does it like to hide, but it does so with a knife in its hand.  Simply put, if we go looking for "the sin beneath the sin" we just might get cut.  So be it.  Cut away.  The gospel takes the sting from death.  For us, Christian, dying is gain.

Well, enough of the rambling.  I have been so encouraged today by a dear friend of mine from seminary.  He sent me a card just to encourage me and tell me he was thinking of me.  I was floored.  What kind of God are we dealing with?!!  I praise God for JR.  I have learned more from him than he could ever learn from me.  So, all that to say...I want to give away a book about the Gospel.  What better book than, "What is the Gospel?" by  Greg Gilbert.

All you have to do to win the book is leave a comment.  Any comment will do.  Thursday morning at 10am, I will draw from the names of those who left comments.  And just so you know, if you leave a comment, your odds are pretty good!  So, have a wonderful day.  Live and love the gospel with everything you have.  In Christ, you are free to do so!  Isn't it amazing!  Peace to you all!


  1. Sounds like a great book to read. The gospel is what brought me into a life worth living. I depend on gospel of God for everything. Bless you Scott!

  2. I can't turn down a free book! And thanks for all of the thought you put into your blogging... I always love reading it!

  3. Been lurking for a long time, but now you've lured a comment out of me.
    I want the book.
    -Scott Taylor

  4. mission accomplished! miss you man.

  5. Trust me. I want the book more than ALL of these other people:)

  6. Keep the book, or send it to Annie.

    Your dad forwarded a post to me one day. I immediately subscribed and now look for them each day.

    Thanks for thinking deep and living real.

    May God bless you and yours.

  7. I love free things. And the Gospel. And Trip Lee. :)

  8. I am commenting so that my name is in the hat also, because Annie may want it, but I need it.

  9. Annie? What? No, Kevin said that! Put Kevin's name in the hat.

  10. Hey Scott It's Matt, Miss you and the FAM tons!!! Scott you are a true inspiration!!! Really wish I lived in Mobile so that I could come to your church all the time instead of just once a year. These sermons/daily reflections really help me throughout the day sometimes and i appreciated you for that!! Keep it up brother!!! On a side note, went to St. Dominic Sunday for Catholic Mass probabl;y the worse mass I have ever went to hahaha but i will explain that to you soon,
    Matt Persson

  11. just stumbled here from facebook. didn't know you had this going...gonna have to catch up on it now. miss you guys.

  12. DRUM ROLE PLEASE!!!!................AND THE WINNER IS........................

    NIKKI BONHAM!!!! Congrats on the win Nikki. Just shoot me an email (smoore1517@gmail.com) with your address and I will put it in the mail shortly!

    Have a great day everyone!
