Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday Music - Cash or Christ

The amount of money it takes to make it in the music industry these days causes many to compromise and sacrifice the message of the gospel. There are many however, who are forsaking all and leaning solely on Christ. Their lyrics are indicative of their unashamedness. Their poverty is indicative of their freedom. And their message is indicative of their love for Christ as He is revealed in the Gospel. What is so interesting is that the means by which they deliver their message is considered by so many as foolish. They are rappers; and their message is placed in front of beats that make you either want to bob your head or turn them off. Whatever camp you find yourself in, I strongly encourage listening and supporting these men and women.

As I have said countless times before - I can barely listen to anything else. The music is sermonic. And I confess, that I do bob my head while I often weep from the conviction, adoration and faith that these songs so strongly inspire. Please pray for these artists as they struggle and suffer for the kingdom. If any of you have been in the neighborhoods that these men are from, you would know the effort and sacrifice it takes to proclaim their message. Their present lives are a testimony of the living Christ.


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