This morning, after our daily devotions in The Jesus Storybook Bible
So, I went where every good PCA minster goes - YES! Catechism to the rescue!!! "Emma," I said. "Yes Daddy?" she replied. "Are there more Gods than one?" I asked. She answered, "" I said, "That's right Emma. There is only One God, in three persons!" Done. Question answered! Yeah right. Catechism not to the rescue.
Her look said it all. She didn't say a word, but "Huh?" was written all over her face. I couldn't just leave her there. While my breathing got a bit heavier, I thought, "Okay...keep cool...plan B."
I tried desperately to think of an analogy. Ah HAH! I had it! I asked her, "Emma...How many shoes are in one pair of shoes?" She said, "Two." I said, "See? You can have more than one shoe in one pair of shoes. Do you get it?" She nodded side to side. CRAP!!!! Ok...think Scott, think!
AH HAH! How many people are mommy and daddy? She showed two fingers. Then I asked, "How many marriages is that?" She showed two fingers. DANGIT!!!!!
So, hanging my head a bit, I said, "Its complicated Emma. Just trust me that there is One God in three persons. your pancakes."
While I have to give DT props for teaching a very thorough, informative and God-honoring course, I must say, after going back over that day in my mind, I don't recall his instruction on how to actually explain the Trinity to our kids! So, I'm passing this one off on my main man Derek Thomas. If you read this big guy, I'm gonna need a little help. In the mean time, I'll take a failing grade for the day for being a knucklehead.
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