We are a wilderness people. We are spiritual sojourners in an earthly land. On this earth we have no permanent home, no final resting place. We eat and soon become hungry again. We drink and soon become thirsty again. We rest on Sunday, only to work again. We occasionally vacation, only to have it end...again.
We get on a "work-out-kick" only to stop and see all of the progress fade again. We build meaningful relationships and often see them interrupted again, by time, by geography, and/or even by death. We buy the "next best thing" only to see it become obsolete again. We buy new cars, and against all resolve, we throw trash in the floorboard, leave empty McDonald's cups in every cup holder, and push the oil change limit to 7,000 miles...again.
The above situations would seem to be unfitting for those who call themselves children of the Most High. But that is exactly what we are. Our Lord would not have us fill our spiritual cravings with earthly things. Sure He gives us physical food. He is our Provider. But, it is our "daily bread." We always become hungry again. Why? Because of His faithfulness. It is His gracious will that we become uncomfortable every 3 hours or so to remind us of our Ultimate need of Him. He has provided us with a build in alarm clock that says, "You were made for Me...this physical hunger is only a sign that you have a real spiritual hunger for Me."
What does it mean to give God glory when you eat and when you drink (1Cor 10:31)? It simply means that we make the most of out of our hunger. When we thirst, we direct our attention heavenward where the Living Water is seated at the right hand of God (John 4:13ff). When we become hungry, we direct our attention - we "set our minds" (Col 3) on Christ, the Bread of Life (John 6).
When earthly things waste away, or when they fail us, it is not because God fumbled or failed to provide for us. Quite the opposite is true. When the children of Israel were delivered from Egypt (Exod 14), they immediately became thirsty (Exod 15:22ff) and hungry (Exod 16). And when they left Sinai (Num 10), where the Lord blessed their socks off (with the Law, Book of the Covenant, the Holiness Code, the Priestly office, the Day of Atonement, etc.) to set out for the Promised Land, they again became physically hungry (Num 11) and thirsty (Num 20).
The children of Israel then longed for Egypt, where they were never physically hungry (Num 11:4) or thirsty. I have been convicted lately of doing the same. But understanding that I am a pilgrim here - a "wilderness person"- has helped me to know and acknowledge Christ more. He is the true Mana from Heaven. He is the Rock from which Living Water flows.
It is comforting to know that He loves me and cares for me. It provides me with hope that one day I will crave no more. It gives substance to my faith that He died, and that I am therefore "filled" in Him (Col 2:9-10). His eye is upon me. His hand comforts me. His Word guides me. And though all earthly things fail me, that's okay, He who spared not His only Son, will never fail me. I am His in Christ; and by His Spirit, He leads me along with so many other Wilderness People.
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