Saturday, July 31, 2010

They Reached Me First

I will never forget the serious look on Dr. Richard Pratt's face one Monday night as he was expressing his number one fear for the next generation. It was not alcoholism, or disease. It was not liberalism, or the church's view on women being ordained (or not) in ministry. He looked across the classroom and called all of us to take heed to the Islamic growth in America. One statistic I remember is that the census reported that by year 2025, one major metropolitan city, in America, will be predominately Muslim. I tucked that statistic away, and have not thought of it since...until yesterday.

The doorbell rang. As the dog barked, and as the kids proceeded to run around like chickens with their head cut off, I left Katie to the new baby and answered the door. I was not prepared for my visitors.

I opened the door to find a family of five, dressed in very strict Islamic attire - the husband in a long robe and religious cap; the wife fully covered, except her eyes; and, the children with what looked like small turbans, along with their robes that looked like daddy's. The interaction changed my life. Allow me to share with you some of my observations:

1. They came bearing gifts. The balloon outside on the mailbox that read, "It's a girl!" lead them to rejoice with us that a new life had come into the world. So they gave us a birthday cake of Huggies and a small sun-hat for the baby. What does this mean? Well, first of all, 96 diapers are not cheap. They spent over $25 on a stranger and probably over 2-3 hours at least knitting the sun-hat (the wife made it) and arranging the diapers into a huge display.

2. They were kind. They were not indifferent to our new baby girl. They rejoiced (at least, to some extent) with us. And they were very polite and cordial.

3. This family was not (from what I could tell) from another country. They were African American; which, from what I understand is a demographic that is converting to Islam by the droves. 59% of Islamic converts in America are African American - most of whom convert from Protestantism. Big players in the African American community are promoting the religion and are having a strong influence. Ice Cube (who converted in the 90's) has been quoted saying, that the Nation of Islam is "the best place for any young black male."

4. They were dedicated as a family. Their attire alone showed their strict devotion to the religion. And they practiced as a family. I have read somewhere that each Muslim family produces, on average, 8 children per family unit. Not only is Islam growing by conversion, but its main objective is to grow (exponentially) by reproduction. This is a God-given mandate and process that all Christians must understand and at least acknowledge.

Muslims understand well that predominant and typically affluent cultures atrophy over small amounts of time due to decreased marriage and reproduction rates. Europe is a great example. To shed light on this point, consider a country isolated without the possibility of immigration. If family units have, on average, just one (or less than 2) children per unit, then it is mathematically impossible to maintain the population over just a few generations.

Family units in most European countries (like Greece, France and England) have roughly 1.3 children per unit (under 1.6 it is mathematically impossible to rescue the culture). It has been this way for some time. But, here is the kicker - the populations of these countries have grown! And they are being swallowed up by Islam.

5. My next point about this family is that they were evangelical. So, not only were they converts (probably), and not only were they furthering the Islamic agenda through reproduction; but they were also reaching their immediate world for "Allah" through evangelization. I am more aware of the Islamic presence in my geographical region. Every morning on my way to work I see more and more Muslims. This particular family lives three houses down from me. They are reaching their neighborhood (which is also MY neighborhood and has been for over one year now).

My final point is this...They reached me first.

I am now resolved, by the strength and perseverance of God's sovereign grace, to reach those around me quickly and consistently with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Shame on me for being silent this long. Yesterday is the day that God used a strict Muslim to get this PCA pastor off of his rear end.


  1. Wow. This was really informative, Scott! Thanks for sharing. It definitely has shed light on the pressing need to share the gospel, and do it NOW.

  2. A convicting reminder for me, as I live in a neighborhood in West Philly with a significant Muslim population.

  3. Thanks for this Mr. Moore, you have struck upon an issue that I have encountered in rather close quarters over the last few years... moreover, I think we would all be wise to heed your word of caution.

  4. Thank you!
    And just a reminder to all - the Nation of Islam is not the same by any means as Islam. This family appears to have been a member of what amounts to a cult.

  5. While I appreciate the concern you have, and I def. am not making light of it, and also, I am very pleased to hear that a presby. is finally starting to know that he is the true light of the World and that we as christians are mandated to witness for our Lord, I have a few things to say.
    First. You are right. We should be concerned about those around us. But... your concerns and that of the teacher you mentioned is for the wrong reasons. You make it as if it is a contest of who should be the largest. Like, its ok to have muslims in the country, its ok to have them in my state and city, but, whoa, how dare they try to outgrow us my population or evangelism. This would be no better than if I was to start thinking that I should go into my bedroom and start making Christian babies for Jesus. Funny and sad thinking at the same time. Why? Obviously we know that you can't make Christian Babies, oh, I forgot, I am Baptist, and no I do not believe that you can just baptize children into the Kingdom as others do. If this was true, then I would definitely be reproducing for Jesus right now. If that is how God repopulates his People, then the Muslims have the right Idea. But its not. What the Muslims are doing are producing large families of Sinners. Sinners that are in need of Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
    Second, while again I am happy to know that this incident got you of your backside to witnessing for your Lord... Why didn't you take the time right then and tell them about the Lord? The Muslim World might have shrunk by a few that day. My point is that no matter how the muslims grow by population, we grow by conversion. Black, Asian, White... Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Pagan. The first Christians were the smallest group in the World. By the power of the Holy Spirit to become the Largest in the World... by Conversion. So, let them come. In my understanding of the Precious Word, our Lord has brought to our and your door, people who can and will be saved by His Mighty Power.
    Thirdly, do not stop witnessing for Jesus, but understand that many religions in the last 2000 years have always tried to over take others around them, but dont. Why? Basically because Religions center around a culture or race. They reflect a thought, a worldview, a family, a country. Even your story reflects this. You showed how it was a black family and how most of their conversions come from Blacks. true, but this is a reflection of the country or bias in their religion. It is their weakness, NOT their strength. It's their limitation, not their power base. But for us, Christianity knows no boundary. It crosses language, culture, race, country and all worldviews. Why? Because it is of God. All other religions being weak in this, shows that they are false. If you say, "But look how they are growing...!" Yes, but you showed us how... by population. Not conversion. Even for the blacks, its the "Nation of Islam", which as pointed out is a heretical group the muslims do not accept as Muslim. The blacks accept them for their hatred of other races, not because of their truth. I didn't quake in my boots when Cassius Clay became Muslim, and renamed himself Muhammed Ali, but I did recognise that this was a beginning for maybe other black to follow a famous person, but that is not a conversion.

    Lastly, I did enjoy the article. It spoke to me, and continue your walk for Christ. This could be a beginning of a movement for Jesus in your area, community and maybe even your town. We all are commanded to be a light in the World.

    We all are.

    We real questions is... do we hide it under a bushel or in the open?

  6. The interesting thing to me is how they reached out to you. We are commanded to live out our you are going...make disciples...

    Do I know my neighborhood? Do I reach out to them during times of crisis and joy? Do I cry with them and rejoice with them?

    I live in Ukraine. Generally, people here do not 'reach out' to their neighbors. I made cookies and introduced myself to some of my neighbors a few months ago, but this is a great reminder to me that I need to put forth more effort and communicate with them more frequently. Thank you for the poignant reminder.

  7. Scott, Just wanted u to know I really enjoyed this. Unlike puritanpreacher I didn't try to assume you were saying things you weren't. I really don't know how you guys blog and put up with people.. by the way this is Shanda not Anyways, I know your heart and I heard it when I read this. May we all recognize we can always do more to spread Jesus and his word to the people around us. Love you guys..give Katie and the kids a hug for us.

  8. thanks shanda, we love you guys too!
