Monday, April 16, 2012

Implications of Atheism - Watch This...

One of the most powerful apologetical tactics is to show the implications of what a person says they believe. I like this video because it brings to light the real-life implications of atheistic ideology. We soon see, that while everything is going well, and while we keep our head in the "clouds of autonomous comfort," we tend to allow our beliefs to wander. Atheism is cool.

But when tragedy strikes, we are forced to reckon with the fact that we are not in control at all. We find out we are all subject to the decisions of someone or something else. Tragedy lets us know we cannot just make things up, and that what we believe must attach itself to someone (or something) outside of our mind. Truth matters, especially when people are bleeding.

Therefore, funerals are no time to delude mourners with subjective, arbitrary and inconsistent thoughts. Only the truth will comfort those who hurt. While atheists claim to give accurate accounts for the realities of our universe, it is absolutely ironic those accounts give no reasonable account for the pain we feel when those we love die.

When people are reclining they are more likely to listen to his words than when they are weeping. Dawkins may sell his words on shelves, but let him speak his words at a funeral. The truth becomes quite obvious - Dawkins is delusional.

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