Thursday, February 2, 2012

Absolutely Certain Proof for the Existence of God

There are many who say that if they were provided proof for the existence of God, they would believe in him. This is nothing new.  Even in Jesus' day, people were asking for a sign so that they might believe (Matt 12:38-39; Jn 3).  The trouble with this is that it presupposes something incorrect about the nature of mankind.  It asserts that the chief problem with man is that he lacks information, and, that given more learning, he will turn in the right direction.

The truth is that man is not inherently innocently ignorant, ultimately in need of more information or scientific facts. Jesus, truth itself, stood in front of a man who asked, "What is truth?" (Jn 18:38) Christ, the God-man, stood right in front of the religious who demanded a sign that would somehow be more convincing than God himself!

Even if we were to try and prove something other than theistic matters, I think most of us can agree that we have empirically seen how man, being presented with the clearest, most-resonable proof, is knuckle-headed and stubborn. How many times have we experienced in others (or even ourselves!) the direct denial of truth ultimately because untruth was simply more desirable?

As a man who sleeps with someone other than his wife ultimately knows he should do otherwise, he does not do otherwise.  He wants the other woman more than his wife, and will argue (against what he knows to be true) why he should be allowed to have her.

The fact is that man follows and argues for what he loves; and, he rejects and argues against what he does not love - even though it may be completely unreasonable to do so. Therefore, God himself could stand right in front of an atheist, and because the atheist hates God, he will deny God. Reason is pushed aside by moral hatred.

This is why we must not confuse that which is objectively valid and that which is subjectively acceptable. We could give the most objectively valid proof, and it would still be subjectively unacceptable to the unbeliever. As Van Til once wrote, "It is true that no method of argument for Christianity will be acceptable to the natural man. Moreover, it is true that the more consistently Christian our methodology, the less acceptable it will be to the natural man."

There is absolute certain proof for the existence of God. Van Til pointed this out when he said, "The existence of the God of Christian theism and the conception of his counsel as controlling all things in the universe is the only presupposition which can account for the uniformity of nature which the scientist needs.  But the best and only possible proof for the existence of such a God is that his existence is required for the uniformity of nature and for the coherence of all things in the world...Thus there is absolutely certain proof for the existence of God and the truth of Christian theism.  Even non-Christians presuppose its truth while they verbally reject it."

Every time an unbeliever opens his mouth, performs a scientific experiment, or even flushes the toilet, we can point to that as proof for the existence of God. For, in doing each one of these things he is presupposing the uniformity and coherence that only Yahweh provides. And, in denying God in this, he is allowing his hatred to triumph over his reason.

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