I would like to make a few comments about how we go about answering objections to our faith. As Christians living in 2010, we must be constantly thinking about how we can bring the gospel to every person - that's right...every person. Our day is one that is saturated with extreme skepticism. Expect questions from non-believers. Expect significant questions. But even if you were to read and memorize every response to every possible skeptical answer, though highly important, it would not be enough. Allow me a few words of advice in this line.
First, remember who you were without Christ. You (and I!) were worse than skeptics - we were enemies (Rom 5:10). We were arrogant, insolent, haters of God. And He saved us. Let this sink in. When speaking with a skeptic, it might be helpful to imagine that you are really speaking to yourself just a few years ago.
Second, remember who you are in Christ. The unbeliever will probably throw out crazy, less than polite comments about God - about Christ. Stay seated in your heart knowing that you are seated with Christ at the right hand of God (Eph 2). No insult, no arbitrary argument, no assault upon Scripture can snatch you from your place IN CHRIST. This is the basis for showing patience with those who do not know Him. And always remember, Christ and His Word are not worried about skeptical inquiries. Rather, it is the unbeliever that should be worried.
Third, understand that unbelief is the height of irrationality. In other words, lower your expectations. Don't come to the table expecting to hear a consistent argument, or even a rational one. Again, be patient. Pray.
Finally, understand the bondage of unbelief. This will help your compassion. Unbelief is bondage to Satan and the sinful flesh. Therefore, as the Lord's servants, we "must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting [our] opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will" (2 Tim 2:24-26)."
So, enjoy the book; but with it, enjoy the Gospel in THE Book. Giving answers to skeptical questions is not about being right; but about showing people how they can be right before God. In order to do this, we must first be right before God. We must love this standing and the One who provided it for us on Calvary.
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