Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Oxford University and The Morality of Murder

Moral ethicists from Oxford University represent the hight of our world's moral academy.  Should someone attempt to bring an argument against their stated position, that person had better have their credentials in a row.  Without the letters PhD at the of their name, the world would probably not even consider the debate at all.  The experts have decided.  The case is supposedly closed.  Right?

Wrong.  Moral ethicists from Oxford University have argued that parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending their lives is no different to abortion.  Of course, this presupposes that abortion is "morally right." This presupposition turns an otherwise right train of thought completely on its head.

The baby inside of the womb is the same as the baby on the outside.  If abortion is right while the baby (or ball of lifeless, meaningless tissue) is on the inside, it is obviously right if the same baby is on the outside.  Parents have the "right" to do with it what they will.

If the presupposition is challenged, however, this argument becomes highly problematic for the above mentioned moral experts.  Should abortion be proven morally wrong, then these ethicists have just condoned murder.  Abortion is wrong.  The baby while inside the womb is just as valuable after delivery. They are not irrelevant.  And taking their life is no less than murder.

Sorry Oxford - you are wrong.  Your credentials, while arbitrarily meaningful here, are a stench in the nostrils of the Son of Man.  May God have mercy on your souls.  In the mean time, it is right to pray for justice to rain down on your institution before your conclusions sweep the globe.

You can read the complete article here.

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