I haven't written in a while. My apologies, but I needed the break. There has been a lot of changing going on in my life, I trust, for good, and for his glory. Significant things are being ordered, and this blog is not on the top of my list [anymore]. But I do have some time this morning. And I have been encouraged by the Lord. So, here you go.
I have always noticed the strange way in which the Lord led the people to defeat Jericho. Walking around a city for seven days seems strange in and of itself. However, I never noticed how the seventh day was especially strange (Joshua 6).
The previous six days they only marched around the city once. But the seventh day, the day when the city would be devoted to destruction, they had to march seven times.
It is not uncommon for the Lord to make his people weak and tired at the precise moment they are to be strong - like for going to war. I can only imagine what the people were thinking the night before: "Okay, tomorrow we are going to war to see Jericho destroyed. We must get good sleep and rest. We will need to be strong, fast, and enduring."
Then, they wake at dawn the seventh day only to receive the strange command, "Walk around the city, not once, but seven times!" What?! As if circumcision wasn't enough to set them back (ch.5), now, the strength they would need to defeat the enemy would be wasted on walking! When the fight began they would be tired, slow, and spent.
I don't know why I have always thought my life to be different. During this time, when it would seem I needed to be stronger than ever, I feel weaker than ever. Why, when I need to be structured and sharp do I feel so chaotic and dull? The truth is I have never in my life felt weaker and more inadequate for the task of planting a church than I do now.
But apparently, this is right where the Lord wants me. Weak that he may be glorified as strong.