Friday, June 29, 2012

Please Watch: Thi'sl Video - Hold On

I would encourage you to listen intently to the words of this song as they depict the realities and struggles of those trying to make it in impoverished communities. The message hits home to many of my good friends in the neighborhood where I presently serve.


  1. Good video which depicts life as most of us ONLY read about but have no personal involvement nor understanding of what the African American and other impoverished communities deal with every day--no way out. The message is also on target in that it discourages turning to drugs, etc. as the source for money. But with mouths to feed it is no surprise that that is unfortunately the path many choose.

  2. Awesome!!! The lyrics are God breathed, biblical even, in some cases and so inspiring for Christians that are struggling which is really all of us if we're taking up our cross daily to become more Holy and less worldly. Thank you for posting!

  3. My whole life, I've been socially and economically privileged. I know I should be thankful, but to be honest, it sometimes makes me sick. I know nothing of hardship or impoverishment. Yeah, I know black people. Yeah, I've heard black music. Yeah, I've even read black books (The Narrative of Frederick Douglass comes to mind). That really means nothing. I don't really get it.

    I can pretend to be in "the fight" all I want, but the truth is I'm not sharing anyone's burden. I'm not loving my neighbor as myself. I'm just a spoiled college kid who knows nothing of the realities in which people live, and it makes me sick.
